There are many VPN different providers to choose from. So how do you know which is the “best one”? Many VPN providers are very similar in their offering. But Hidden24 is uniquely different to most – if not all – other VPN providers, in the way we have designed our systems for maximum privacy.

Below is a table that compares Hidden24 with a typical normal VPN service, across 10 different dimensions, all important for privacy. This comparison can help you recognise what makes Hidden24 unique amongst VPNs. For each comparison metric, you can learn more details by clicking on the link in the column “Why this matters”.

As you can see below, we rank Hidden24 as the winner in 8/10 categories, that “Other VPNs” wins in 1/10 categories, and that there is a draw in one category. We hope this table is helpful in deciding which VPN to get.

Table: Comparing Hidden24 with other VPNs

Comparison Metric Hidden24 Other VPNs Winner Why this matters
Fully Owned vs In the Cloud Fully owned (= full control) Renting servers in the cloud (= NOT full control) ✅ Hidden24 Why Owned is better
Built on Hardware vs Built on Software Only hardware with proprietary code Linux servers and open source software ✅ Hidden24 Why Hardware is better
No Access to traffic flows vs Access to traffic flows Our engineers cannot access our machines after setup The VPN tech guys, as well as partners’ tech guys can access traffic information if they want ✅ Hidden24 Why No Access is better
Logging of information We do not log anything Most other VPNs do not log individual traffic information, but they DO log user login sessions, and also “aggregated traffic information” ✅ Hidden24 Why no logging is better
A handful of countries, vs 100 countries. We offer VPN in only 5 countries Most VPNs offer VPN in 100+ countries ❌ Other VPNs Why we have few countries
No App vs App We use built in OS functionality App that adds layer of complexity, drains battery, and needs to be upgraded ⚖️ Draw (simplicity vs easy-of-use) Why no app might be better for you
Signing Up – required information We only require email and card number Most VPNs also require personal name and post code of credit card ✅ Hidden24 Why less information is better
Pricing per one month 4.99 for one month £8.84 (Nord VPN) – 77% more expensive ✅ Hidden24 Why cheaper is better (duh)
Works with BBC We work with BBC 100% of the time Hit and miss about 30% of the time ✅ Hidden24 How we always work with BBC
Philosophy behind service We strive to fully protect the privacy of online users Compromises with privacy for profit ✅ Hidden24 Why philosophy matters

We hope that after having read all of the comparison metrics above, and all of the articles which are comparing Hidden24 to Other VPNs, that you will recognise some of the important traits of a good VPN in us, and that you will entrust us with your privacy moving forward.