When you sign up to Hidden24, we only ask you for 6 pieces of information. They are: username, email, password, payment card number, CVC code. If you think about it, none of that information identifies to you who you are. Username? You can pick any. Email? You can use a temporary email that you use only for this. Will your debit card / credit card identify you? Well, you might not have thought of this, but we do something highly unusual here. We do NOT ask you to fill out your name (which you normally need to provide when you pay with card). And we do NOT ask for your postcode, which also is normal procedure for most payments.

We ask for minimal information when you pay. We do not want to know who you are!


Why do we ask you for so little information? We do this in order to protect your privacy even from us. We simply do not want to know who you are! But what about your credit card – surely that can identify you? We do not keep your credit card stored with us, it is only stored with our payment provider. So no, we don’t even have your credit card details after the transaction, so we cannot use the card to later try and find out who you are.

How is it possible for us to ask for so little information – does our bank not require more? Well, we actually need to pay our bank an extra security guarantee, in order for them to be ok with us not asking for your name and post code. That’s the extra length we go to, just to keep you fully secure.

Other VPNs


Now contrast this with most other VPNs. They tend to ask you for both your name and postcode. In addition, they often reserve the right to send you marketing materials (which you need to turn off later manually from settings – see screenshot below). They do not respect your privacy at sign-up.

Why do they do ask for your personal information? They want to use your information to sell you more services. They want to know as much as possible about you. We want to know as little as possible.

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