Naturally, all VPN providers claim that they do not log traffic. But this is unfortunately not entirely true. Most VPN providers do in fact keep extensive logs of what is going on in their systems. Perhaps not individual traffic from one single user, but definitely aggregated traffic (traffic from many users together). Most VPN providers also log each time an individual user connects to their system. How can we know this? There are two ways to find out.

As for the aggregated logging, below is a screenshot taken from one of the mainstream VPNs own homepage. The diagram shows how they log aggregated user traffic information in their “Statistics DB: and “Aggregated Statistics Collector”, in great detail. This VPN provider claims to not “log anything”, while at the same time revealing this log diagram of theirs. Is that not a remarkable contradiction?

The mainstream VPN providers will also record every time your user connects to their system. They need to do this in order to for example offer the service “connect up to 5 users with one subscription”. They need to keep track of which users are logged in to their platform at any given time. In the diagram abovm, this can be seen in the “Live sessions DB”.

This type of logging is a huge privacy risk to the individual VPN user. Let’s say you are the only person currently logged in to one of their servers. The traffic passing through that server, can only belong to you. They can see that you are logged in = they can understand that the traffic must come from you.

How Hidden24 is different

We actually do not log anything. When we say anything, we mean anything. We do not log individual traffic, or aggregated traffic, or user sessions. We do not log anything at all. This is the only way to ensure 100% privacy for our users.

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